#UseCase : Content delivery in a mobile environment

Among the various use cases explored within the SCENE project, content delivery in a good opportunity to improve the quality of experience for users of public transports. The SCENE platform will collect the data from sensors disseminated around the city and it will be...

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#Pilot : SCENE soon embedded on garbage trucks?

With a market-oriented approach, the SCENE partners seek to create interaction with potential customers and industrial players having an experience in the smart city field. JCP-Connect has thus started a dialogue with Suez, a French company which supports the...

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#Meeting: SCENE partners will meet in Rennes next week

On May 21 and May 22, the consortium partners of the SCENE Project will gather in Rennes (France) for the next Plenary meeting of the project. On the agenda of this 2-days meeting: follow up of the project activities, work on the platform requirements and...

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#PressRelase : SCENE brings Smart City for all

To address the challenge of building smart city solution for small and mid-sized cities, the SCENE project, funded by the European Commission, develops an open, mobile, IoT platform based on vehicular network. In 1950, 29% of the world population lived in cities. In...

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“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and   innovation program under grant agreement n° 831138”